Learn MoreWhat form of communication do you have with parents about the student’s development progress?
There are many modes of communication between teachers and parents. Daily communication during drop-off and pick-up times, phone calls, emails, and appointments to meet together, and newsletters are all available. Additionally, we have two parent-teacher conferences each year so teachers and parents can meet to talk about each child’s progress, interests, strengths, and goals for the school year.
When is the admission period for new students? Can new students start at any time?
The Kindergarten school year begins August 15th, and the admissions cut-off date is in the month of May. Students will not be allowed to start anytime, students must start at the beginning of the school year.
What if my child has allergies?
We are a nut-free center.
Due to the high number of children with nut allergies, we do not serve nut products. If your child has a specific allergy, please list them on our dietary restriction letter so that we can make appropriate food substitutions.
What is your discipline policy?
We do not use physical or verbal punishment under any circumstances. We use positive guidance and re-direction to acknowledge children’s feelings and emotions and provide them with social scripts, problem-solving techniques, self-calming activities and choices and activities geared toward their interests.
Do you have parent-teacher conferences?
Yes. We schedule family/teacher conferences each year to discuss your child’s progress, but you can request a conference with the Director at any time.
How do you use technology in learning?
Free Chapel teachers use technology as learning tools and a means of communication. We feel it’s important to teach children how to use devices they will encounter in school, so they are given opportunities to use them for educational play and research.
What is the age requirement for the Kindergarten Program?
For the 2022-2023 academic school year: Students born on or between September 2, 2016 – September 1, 2017, will be placed in Kindergarten.
When are applications accepted?
Applications are accepted year-round. If the school is fully enrolled, the application will go into the wait pool to wait for available space in the program.
How do I schedule a tour and how long do tours last?
Feel free to schedule a tour online under the Admissions tab. Tours are conducted in the morning hours so prospective families can see students engaged in activities and see if our school is the right fit. Tours are typically 30 minutes in length and will consist of a classroom tour and information session.
What if my child gets sick?
We’ll call you or a designated adult from your Emergency Information Form so that your child can be picked up as soon as possible. While waiting to be picked up, your child will rest quietly, away from other children.
Do I need to pack a lunch?
Lunch Mob Quick Start
We provide two healthy, age-appropriate snacks for the children to eat each day. Menus will be posted so that you can see what is being served.
What are teacher qualifications?
All Free Chapel Preschool teachers must meet or exceed the state requirements for child care providers and are required to receive ongoing professional training annually. We also require background checks through local, county, state and/or federal agencies prior to employment.
Do you take the children outdoors?
Yes, weather permitting, we take children outside daily. Children should be dressed appropriately for playing on our playground or taking group walks.
What can I bring on my child's birthday?
You can bring in any special treat your child enjoys as long as it is store bought with the original seal intact.
What are Kindergarten teachers' qualifications?
All Free Chapel Kindergarten teachers must meet or exceed the state requirements for child care providers and are required to receive ongoing professional training annually. They must have completed a bachelor’s degree in teaching or education and complete a California state official application for a teaching credential. We also require background checks through local, county, state, and/or federal agencies prior to employment.